Privacy Policy

Firewood Sales Marketplace
Privacy Policy


This privacy policy has been compiled to better serve those who are concerned with how their ‘Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is being used online. PII, as described in Australian privacy law and information security, is information that can be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact, or locate a single person, or to identify an individual in context.

FIREWOOD SALES MARKETPLACE is committed in providing quality services to you and this policy outlines our ongoing obligations to you in respect of how we manage your Personal Information.

We have adopted the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the Privacy Act). The APP governs the way in which we collect, use, disclose, store, secure and dispose of your Personal Information.

A copy of the Australian Privacy Principles may be obtained from the website here:

 The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at

Please read our privacy policy carefully to get a clear understanding of how we collect, use, protect or otherwise handle your Personally Identifiable Information in accordance with our website.

What Personal Information Do We Collect:

When registering as a member on FIREWOOD SALES MARKETPLACE Website, you will be asked to enter your name, email address, phone number and other details to help with your experience in creating your website.  All this can be found within your account section of the website.

When Do We Collect Information:

We collect information from you when you purchase a website and become a member and also if subscribe to a newsletter, fill out a form or enter information on our site.  We also collect other information from the purchases and uploaded images and documents you provide in helping us create your website.  All this information is private and confidential.  The only information that is displayed publicly are the information you submit to us that is required to promote your own newly created website, such as images you have provided for front page, information for pages that need to be displayed, phone numbers and email addresses for the public to contact you regarding your inventory on your website.

How Do We Use Your Information:

We may use the information we collect from you when you register, make a purchase, sign up for our newsletter, surf the website, or use certain other site features in the following ways:

  • To send periodic emails regarding your membership and our services.
  • To follow up after correspondence (email or phone inquiries)

How Do We Protect Your Information:

We use Vulnerability Scanning and Malware Scanning throughout entire website conducted daily.  You can check the results yourself at the very bottom of the FOOTER.

Your personal information is contained behind secured networks and is only accessible by a limited number of persons (staff) who have special access rights to such systems, and are required to keep the information confidential. In addition, all sensitive/credit information you supply is encrypted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.


We implement a variety of security measures when a user enters, submits, or accesses their information to maintain the safety of your personal information.

All transactions are processed through a gateway provider STRIPE .

Contact Forms:

When contact forms on FIREWOOD SALES MARKETPLACE are completed all data is sent directly via email.


We do not use cookies for tracking purposes.
You can choose to have your computer warn you each time a cookie is being sent, or you can choose to turn off all cookies. You do this through your browser settings. Since browser is a little different, look at your browser’s Help Menu to learn the correct way to modify your cookies. If you turn cookies off, Some of the features that make your site experience more efficient may not function properly, that make your site experience more efficient and may not function properly.
You can use the cookie checker to see more info: COOKIE CHECKER

Third-party Disclosure:

We do not sell or trade to outside parties your Personally Identifiable Information. This does not include website hosting partners and other parties who assist us in operating our website, conducting our business, or serving our users, so long as those parties agree to keep this information confidential. We may also release information when it’s release is appropriate to comply with the law, enforce our site policies, or protect ours or others’ rights, property or safety

Third-party Links:

Occasionally, at our discretion, we may include or offer third-party products or services on our website. These third-party sites have separate and independent privacy policies. We therefore have no responsibility or liability for the content and activities of these linked sites. Nonetheless, we seek to protect the integrity of our site.

Who We Share Your Data With:

We use Stripe Payments:  The information that is entered with the payment system is stored within FIREWOOD SALES MARKETPLACE data base as symbols (#####) unreadable and cannot be deciphered.  The payment details and are encrypted so they cannot be read by any other third party source and cannot be revealed to the human eye nor cannot be decrypted for any other purpose.  Our system uses SSL (Secured Socket Layer) to protect any data being transferred.  This is necessary for all data transfer for the safety and security out our customers.  The data being transferred cannot be read by any other third parties. FIREWOOD SALES MARKETPLACE has 4 security modules active at all times for that extra layer of security.

You can read Stripe Privacy Policy here:

For users that register on our website FIREWOOD SALES MARKETPLACEwe store the personal information a user provides in the users profile e.g username and password which are yes encrypted and cannot be read by the human eye or deciphered by any other program. All users can see, edit, or delete their personal information at any time (except they cannot change their username).

Fair Information Practices:

The Fair Information Practices Principles form the backbone of privacy law in Australia and the concepts they include have played a significant role in the development of data protection laws around the globe. Understanding the Fair Information Practice Principles and how they should be implemented is critical to comply with the various privacy laws that protect personal information.

In order to be in line with Fair Information Practices we will take the following responsive action, should a data breach occur and we will notify you via email

We also agree to the Individual Redress Principle which requires that individuals have the right to legally pursue enforceable rights against data collectors and processors who fail to adhere to the law. This principle requires not only that individuals have enforceable rights against data users, but also that individuals have recourse to courts or government agencies to investigate and/or prosecute non-compliance by data processors.

Spam Act:

We have adopted the Australian Privacy Principles (APP) contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the Privacy Act). This governs the way in which we collect, use, disclose, store, secure and dispose of your Personal Information.

The Spam Act is a law that sets the rules for commercial email, establishes requirements for commercial messages, gives recipients the right to have emails stopped from being sent to them, and spells out tough penalties for violations.

We collect your email address in order to:

  • Send information, respond to inquiries, and/or other requests or questions
  • Market to our mailing list or continue to send emails to our clients after the original transaction has occurred.

To be in accordance with Spam Act, we agree to the following:

  • Not use false or misleading subjects or email addresses.
  • Identify the message as an advertisement in some reasonable way.
  • Include the physical address of our business or site headquarters.
  • Monitor third-party email marketing services for compliance, if one is used.
  • Honour opt-out/unsubscribe requests quickly.
  • Allow users to unsubscribe by using the link at the bottom of each email.

If at any time you would like to unsubscribe from receiving future emails, you can email us via ticket system and we will promptly remove you from ALL correspondence.

Online Privacy Protection Act:

We agree to the following:

Users can visit our site anonymously.
Registered users will be notified of any Privacy Policy changes:

  • On our Privacy Policy Page or Terms of Conditions

Registered users can change personal information anytime:

  • By logging into your account and making alterations via members account page.

How Does Our Site Handle Do Not Track Signals:

We honour Do Not Track signals and Do Not Track, we do not install cookies, nor use advertising when a Do Not Track (DNT) browser mechanism is in place.  We simply do not use cookies.

Changes To This Privacy Policy

FIREWOOD SALES MARKETPLACE reserves the right to make amendments to this Privacy Policy at any time. If you have objections to the Privacy Policy, you should not access or use the Site.

Contacting Us

FIREWOOD SALES MARKETPLACE welcomes your comments regarding this Privacy Policy. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy and would like further information, please contact us by any of the following means during business hours Monday to Friday.

Attn: Privacy Policy,
Firewood Sales Marketplace
4059 Henty HWY
Milltown, VIC 3707

E-mail: Please the Contact Us Page on this website.

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